shakespeare unbard

a 38 episode podcast in which joel fishbane explores each of Shakespeare's plays, offering tidbits, trivia, and revisionist interpretations of all those plays they made you read in school. 

Shakespeare Unbard, Episode 33: All is Rotten in the state of Rome...Again. Time for Coriolanus.

There's no record of the Coriolanus being performed before 1682 and even after that the play remained unpopular. It's only recently that the play finally appears to be achieving some of the recognition it deserves. In this episode, Joel discusses this complex play that should be more popular than it is.

In this episode you'll hear excerpts and clips from:

  • Coriolanus. Arkangel. 2006

  • Shakespeare, William. The Tragedy of Coriolanus. The Riverside Shakespeare, Houghton and Mifflin, 1974.

Films discussed:

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